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Looking For Horn Rimmed Glasses? Read Below

Looking For Horn Rimmed Glasses? Read Below

Some trends never get old and some products never lose their fame. Horn rimmed glasses that were initially famous during the early 1920s are still in fashion and are in great demand because of the bold look that they add to the face of the wearer. Two common questions that people ask about horn rimmed glasses are whether they are actually made of horns or not and what has been their popularity so far. The following article discusses not only the history of these horn rimmed glasses but also puts a light on the material they are manufactured from and the popularity trend of these iconic frames.

History of Horn Rimmed Glasses

Harold Llyod was a famous comedian of his times. He is still appreciated for his work on various characters. The cause of his fame was the eccentric character of Lonesome Luke. Later in order to renovate his career he developed the character of a man who was the opposite of Lukes’ character. This new character was made distinct by his indistinctive appearance. Harold would dress himself up in clothes that were popular among the Americans during the 1910s. He finalized his look by wearing a pair of round horn rimmed glasses. This is when the glasses gained fame initially.

What Material Is Used For Their Manufacture

People wonder whether these glasses are made up of real horns or not. The popular frame was initially made out of horns or tortoiseshells during the early parts of history but the material was soon replaced with plastic. These acetates were modified with the help of special manufacturing techniques so that they can gain a resemblance similar to that of the name of this product. People stopped using horns and tortoise shells because of the fact that these materials were not durable and would break down easily.

Popularity Trend of Horn Rimmed Spectacles

These frames have remained famous during various periods of time during the 20th century. Between the 1920s and the 1930s, HORN RIMMED GLASSES were immensely famous. Later during the 1950s to the 1960s, they regained their popularity. They remained famous during the late 20th century and the early 21st century. These spectacles gained fame during the modern times as well because of the show Mad Men that played a huge role in reviving its fame. They are famous till date and are in great demand.

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